warcraftEULA = End User License Agreement. That annoying scroll-down window of text you always ignore when installing new software. I must’ve installed software hundreds of times, and never once read the agreement. My indifferent attitude has never come back to bite me, however, “World of Warcraft” gamers are finding out the hard way that they should think twice before selecting “I accept”…

Blizzard, publishers of the highly addictive MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game – I kid you not), are scanning player’s personal computers for hacks and cheats that may give them an advantage over other gamers (read the CNET News.com article). Players say this is an infringement on their privacy rights. I agree, but…
…Blizzard have been smart. They’ve included a clause in the universally redundant EULA which outlines their intentions to monitor pc’s for potentially harmful files.
Who’s right and who’s conniving?

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