The Mind the Gap video training course is designed to provide a general introduction to the concept of generations, detailed introductions to each of the living generations, and then conclude with applications of generational understanding to key areas of life and work.
At present, we have developed four application areas – Business, Church, Education and Youth & Community.

Business Application

business_smallThe business application module of this ‘Mind the Gap’ video training series helps participants to apply an understanding of the different generations to the world of work. It focuses on a number of key generational issues that cause frustration and concern in many of the clients the TomorrowToday team has worked with over a number of years, but also provides a template for your team to engage with your own generational issues.
For larger clients, there is also the possibility of recording specific additional modules to address particular issues that might have been identified within the company.
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Educational Application (Schools)

Professionals working in corporate learning and training departments, schools and education all know that different people have different learning styles. But not many take into account the role that someone’s generation plays in how they learn, how they want to learn and their expectations of the learning environment.
This application module shines a light on these issues, helping educators, teachers and trainers to adjust not just their content and style, but also subtleties such as how they’re introduced and the layout of the classroom, and significant factors including the structure of handouts and the use of technology.
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Church  Application

Church and Faith-based organisations need to understand how different generations engage with faith and connect with religion. Most are struggling to adjust to a new generation, while remaining relevant to the older generations they’ve served for decades. Dealing with the demands and expectations of multiple generations, whilst at the same time attempting to help all of them along a journey of faith requires deep understanding of the expectations and attitudes of different people.
Generational theory can be an invaluable tool to assist pastors, leaders and ordinary church members to understand the dynamics of engaging with older and younger people in a community of faith

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Youth and Community

youth-and-community-head-small1Working with young people or in the community across different generations can be hugely challenging at the moment. Young and old seem to have vastly different expectations, and often miss each other.
This course is designed to help you understand the needs of the different generations you might be working with, especially focusing attention on today’s young people. It also addresses the needs of the volunteers and workers you might have involved in your youth or community group, and how to attract, retain and get the most out of them.
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